TripJar, 2019
As an individual project, I researched and designed a mobile app that encourages group trip planning through private trip profiles and voting features.
To find out about users' experiences with travel planning I conducted a survey and 5 in-person interviews with subjects that varied in age, income, and cultural group.
Once my understanding of the user was deeper, I developed my proto persona into Sandy Lang. Ultimately Sandy just wants the whole family to enjoy their trip. However, adding trip planning to her busy schedule is stressful, especially when she is trying to do it all by herself.
I brainstormed possibilities with the "I Like, I Wish, What If" method and then prioritized potential features with a MoSCoW chart. The app could have gone in many directions and I was interested in exploring those ideas, but with the time constraints of the project I could only focus on a few features.
A repeated sentiment from my survey and interview data was that users are planning trips with their trip companions in mind. However, they often use multiple apps to coordinate. I prioritized the features Trip Profile, Search function, and Voting function because these would provide a space and a way to conveniently coordinate planning together, to share ideas, get everyone's input, and store ideas.
Storyboarding helped me empathize not only with Sandy but with her kids, who are also living bustling lives. For TripJar to help a whole group plan together, it needs to appeal to audiences that differ in age, lifestyle, and tech-saviness.
I noticed potential points of negative emotion when the user has to input information and points of positive emotion when the user finds an item, sends it to a trip and gets feedback. Some opportunities to improve the emotional experience are:
I created flows based on my MVP features, aiming to keep the flows simple while giving the user ample options (ex. where to vote, where to send an item).
I conducted a SWOT analysis to consider what TripJar brings to the table:
I'm quick with pen and paper, so I started by churning out sketches and trying out ideas before going into XD.
Check out the full lo-fi prototype:
Search Home
Trip Profile
Check out the full prototype: